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Dr. Mitchell Rosen is an expert in reproductive endocrinology and fertility. He is director of the UCSF Fertility Preservation Program, which helps patients with cancer secure the ability to conceive in the future, despite the effects of aggressive cancer treatment.

Rosen在圣路易斯大学获得医学学位,并在加尔维斯顿的德克萨斯大学医学分部完成了妇产科住院医师培训. 在培训期间,他两次被评为最佳住院医师,并获得最佳住院医师教师奖. 他在加州大学旧金山分校完成了生殖内分泌学和不孕症的奖学金培训. Also, 他在加州大学旧金山分校胚胎学实验室完成了培训,获得了高复杂性实验室主任的资格.


  • Education

    St. Louis University School of Medicine, 1998

  • Residencies

    University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2002

  • Fellowships

    UCSF Medical Center, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, 2003

  • Academic Title


Where I see patients (3)

    My reviews


    Overall Experience
    131 Ratings
    About our process
    Oct 29, 2023
    They explained the situation very well and are open to our questions.
    Oct 13, 2023
    Dr Rosen is always a friendly face to see. Always makes me feel hopeful (with reason!).
    Sep 30, 2023
    虽然十大赌博平台排行榜很友好,似乎是出于好意,但他似乎不了解我的病情和护理情况. 我发现到目前为止,加州大学旧金山分校各部门的医疗专业人员似乎没有有效地相互沟通或共享信息,因此我的工作就是始终确保我的每个提供者都在同一页面上.
    Sep 15, 2023
    Dr Rosen was amazing. He was so compassionate kind and validated me when I had concerns. He went above & beyond to address very sensitive matters with my surrogate. I'm grateful & very fortunate to have him as my doctor.
    Sep 08, 2023
    Dr. Rosen is the best. 他是我今天有一个漂亮儿子的原因,他是我最推荐的
    Aug 04, 2023
    Dr Rosen is phenomenal and a great teacher. 我很高兴见到他,并将建议所有在我位置上的人寻求他的建议
    Aug 02, 2023
    He is very good at explaining things in simple terms takes his time. He drew pictures for me and everything it was amazing.
    Jul 01, 2023
    Very good pre-procedure meetings with the doctors who were involved thank you all
    Jun 30, 2023
    Great MD. Made the process smooth and comfortable.
    Jun 09, 2023
    I have had nothing short of a horrific and demeaning experience with UCSF
    Jun 09, 2023
    Dr. Rosen is the best. 显然他很聪明很有礼貌而且很清楚他是为病人着想的.
    Jun 02, 2023
    Dr. Rosen has been good. 我们一直关心他的团队——我很欣赏这种沟通的质量. He is clear and empathetic and I appreciate how he manages his practice.
    Mar 25, 2023
    Dr. Rosen is the best-expert encouraging and experienced. 我把我的生育能力托付给他,无法想象把我们的梦想和卵子托付给任何人.
    Mar 08, 2023
    我看罗森十大赌博平台排行榜已经很多年了,我已经习惯了他的治疗方式. 如果我能提出建议,我希望他能更容易回答问题,并/或提供理由,说明为什么我没有得到我希望的结果. I've had several setbacks and I have been rolling with the punches. 但如果罗森博士是在表明,他正在尽其所能提供最佳的前进道路,而不是只是告诉我该怎么做,我就不会对这个过程感到沮丧. 我知道有些事情是我们无法控制的,但当病人经历了一段艰难的旅程时,表现出一些同理心是很好的.
    Mar 08, 2023
    Dr. Rosen is my favorite doctor at UCSF. 除了是最好的RE之外(在我们找到并选择他之前,我们见过4位),他非常善良、体贴、体贴、友好,愿意耐心地倾听和回答问题. 他对生育治疗采取了深思熟虑的方法,总是缓解我们的担忧并回答我们的问题. 他也很友好,很有风度,这在我们遇到的所有十大赌博平台排行榜中都是罕见的,甚至在我们的检索周期和新鲜移植过程中有时也会看到他的同行. After that we only do medicated frozen transfers to ensure we only work with him. Dr. Rosen is the best and we highly recommend him to any one!
    Feb 17, 2023
    Dr Rosen Is wonderful. 他把我当作一个人而不是一个病人来对待. Perfect balance between professional and personal. Great doctor all around
    Jan 31, 2023
    Dr Rosen was excellent; very straightforward but also listened. Immediately felt we could trust him.
    Nov 15, 2022
    Excellent provider and team! 我有一个非常积极的经验,不能要求一个更好的护理团队在我的过程中. Dr. Rosen is the best!
    Oct 25, 2022
    罗森博士似乎是那种极其聪明却很难与其他人相处的人. 当我解释我的最新情况时,他想知道我的“精神状态”是什么,以便了解我想从他那里得到什么. He also pressed me on why I was thinking of not continuing care with UCSF. 这让我有点不舒服,因为部分原因是他,还有加州大学旧金山分校的混乱和官僚主义. Dr Rosen doesn't seem very caring or empathetic. Not to say that I don't think he is he just doesn't communicate very well. Sometimes he comes off as arrogant and dismissive.
    Oct 22, 2022
    Dr.Rosen is exceptional! He was so kind and put me completely at ease. I am a difficult case for transfers and he was a master! He handled the procedure with ease. My husband and I were both so impressed with him! Thank you Dr.Rosen!
    Sep 23, 2022
    罗森十大赌博平台排行榜是我们合作过的最不可思议的十大赌博平台排行榜,我们非常感谢他没有放弃我们,感谢他在自己的领域拥有惊人的专业知识. He fostered an environment of hope trust and expertise that was unmatched. 这个过程是我们一生中最困难的过程之一,如果没有罗森博士的合作,我们是不可能熬过去的. 他真正体现了作为一个RE的全部意义,我们感到非常幸运能和他一起工作.
    Sep 06, 2022
    Dr. Rosen was so warm and had a very pleasant demeanor. 我感到被关心了,他对待病人的态度,和我谈论约会过程中发生的事情,都让我几乎希望从我的旅程开始就和他一起工作. Thank you Dr. Rosen!
    Aug 22, 2022
    Appreciated my provider very much
    Aug 09, 2022
    This was one of the worst experiences I've had with a doctor ever. It was genuinely upsetting in addition to feeling unorganized and unhelpful.
    Jul 30, 2022
    May 30, 2022
    麻醉师一直在谈论大多数人在手术后想要接受治疗或感觉如何,完全不关心我个人对治疗的需求. 当我相信他会给我治疗而他却不愿意听我不想听的时候,我很沮丧.
    May 29, 2022
    It is great to be able to watch the procedure on the screen.
    May 25, 2022
    Dr. Rosen was excellent with us. Compassionate and sensitive with our plan for course of treatment.
    Mar 22, 2022
    This was my first session with Dr. Rosen. He walked through my history carefully with an eye for detail. 他带着一定程度的尊重和细节解释了一些生物学和时间安排,给了我一些见解,但又没有让我不知所措. He seems to genuinely care about my experience and outcomes. 说我觉得自己很幸运能成为他的病人是一种轻描淡写的说法.
    Mar 04, 2022
    I am satisfy with the visit.
    Feb 12, 2022
    We didn't discuss after care although there were instructions in the portal
    Feb 06, 2022
    Excellent care provider. He knew my case was prepared with answers listened well and discussed options with me. Made me feel he genuinely cared about me and my case.
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